GIFA 2023, held at the Dusseldorf International Convention and Exhibition Center in Germany from June 14th to 15th, has entered its mid-term stage.
At Hall 11 booth F56, visitors from countries and regions such as Europe, the Americas, and Asia visited and exchanged views on the LK booth. The focus on the mass production solutions for the integrated die-casting and 5G communication base station large structural components of LK continues to rise.
As a global foundry industry event, GIFA is renowned for showcasing global high-end casting equipment and technology.
After four years, LK Group debuted at GIFA with an integrated die-casting solution for large automotive structural components, coinciding with the transformation of the global automotive manufacturing industry towards intelligence, lightweight, and electrification, and the vigorous development of EV industry.
LK's integrated die-casting solution for large automotive structural components has brought large-scale production effects to the automotive manufacturing industry, reducing welding and assembly processes, improving production efficiency, and reducing manufacturing costs. At the same time, it has also achieved a reduction in carbon emissions.
GIFA2023鑄造展覽會仍在繼續(xù),敬請繼續(xù)關注我們的后續(xù)報道铆农。 GIFA 2023 is still ongoing, please continue to follow our follow-up reports.
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