認識MAXIT? 涂層
——Get to know MAXIT? coatings
MAXIT ?coatings help their mould customer maximize their profit.
MAXIT ? 涂層幫助模具客戶實現最佳收益
Fast turn-round time, reduced use of consumables and low maintenance are all important requirements for any mould & die user.
Thin-film technology has firmly established itself as an effective method for reducing abrasive wear, surface pickup, galling, friction, and both chemical and thermal attack. These coatings help to reduce tooling costs, increase productivity and product surface quality.
Sulzer Metco has several decades of experience in Mould & Die industry. Its combined application of plasmanitriding and PVD hard coating represents a further particularly efficient tool for reducing abrasion, cold bonding when forming metals as well as corrosion and adhesion when processing plastics or elastomer materials.
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