在2001年4月30日凄在,BP的資產(chǎn)市值達2030億美元,股東超過一百萬人吻霎。到2001年底脚自,BP員工達11萬惫康,業(yè)務(wù)遍及世界百余個國家睹梢。2001年生產(chǎn)比2000年增長5.5%,其中日生產(chǎn)原油193萬桶赢瘦,天然氣86億立方英尺九窿。碳氫能源儲量163億桶油當量。我們把天然氣銷往世界24個國家汇泰,平均日銷售188億立方英尺坦膘。BP太陽能的年銷售量是55兆瓦,比2000年增長30%柄立。BP在全球擁有55個化工廠承跟,及21個日煉制能力達2,900萬桶原油的煉廠缝帝。BP的26,800個加油站遍布世界各地,日銷售成品油逾1.6億加侖花墩。我們的便利店的年營業(yè)額超過32億美元悬秉。公司2001年總營業(yè)額為 1742 億美元,年收益80億美元冰蘑。
到目前為止和泌,BP 已在中國投資約40億美元,擁有獨資合資企業(yè)20多家祠肥,直接雇員和控股公司雇員超過 1000 人武氓,是在華投資最大的能源公司。BP集團的四大核心業(yè)務(wù)從上游的石油及天然氣生產(chǎn)仇箱,天然氣及發(fā)電到下游的石油化工县恕,油品營銷等都在中國有廣泛的開展。其業(yè)務(wù)已從70年代初期的產(chǎn)品銷售擴展到石油天然氣生產(chǎn)剂桥、煉油弱睦、油站、航空油料渊额、液化石油氣况木、化工及天然氣與發(fā)電各個領(lǐng)域,地域涵蓋東北驶滚、華北靡勾、華東、華南及中西部各地區(qū)换秧。
2000年10月悦级,通過支持中國石化首次海外上市, BP獲得了中國石油化工股份有限公司2.2%的股權(quán)辫航。2000 年4月斑渠,BP 也以同樣的方式獲得中國石油股份有限公司2.2%的股權(quán)。
2002 年漓惕,BP 將在中國直接投資約5億美元用于在中國的發(fā)展榕诬,并將在今后若干年內(nèi)繼續(xù)以此速度增加投資。
公司網(wǎng)址:想了解更詳細信息每贮,請登錄公司網(wǎng)站 (暫不可見)/china
Channel Manager(渠道銷售經(jīng)理,工業(yè)潤滑油品業(yè)務(wù)單元)(1名) (長沙市)
發(fā)布日期: 2005-08-08
Work Area: Guizhou, Hunan & Yunan
Report to: Area Sales Manager
The Industrial Lubricants and Services (ILS) is part of the Business Marketing SPU. The BU is a world leader in the provision of industrial lubricants and services, with 2,000 staff trading in over 50 countries with a turnover of more than $700m.
The BU is split into 3 regions: Europe, Americas and AsPac. The AsPac Performance Unit (PU) is one of the key growth areas for ILS, covering 10 countries: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Thailand.
ILS China's vision is to achieve aggressive growth targets in the Equipment Manufacturing and Industrial Maintenance market spaces.
ILS China sales functions are divided into 4 regions: South, Central, East & North.
The job-holder will be responsible for managing and developing the accounts which are provided sliver offer by ILS China, as well as distributor network development in Guiyang, Hunan & Yunnan province.
1. Achieve sales targets through distributor development and management. Train up distributor in terms of product/ HSE/technical etc., and help distributor to make product recommendations to customers and increasing premium product sales.
2. Implement the distributor management strategy effectively to grow our business and acquire new distributor.
3. Be aware of current activities in the industrial market relating to distributors and competitors.
4. Liaise regularly with the industrial support staff, e.g. Technical Service Engineer, Business support Executive and Customer Service team to maximize business.
5. Carry out all required administrative work connected with the area punctually and to the required standard.
1. University degree in Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, business administration or equivalent.
2. 2-3 years experience in an Industrial Sales Environment
3. Self-motivated and performance driven
4. Good command in both written and spoken English and Mandarin
5. Strong communication skill and negotiation skills
6. Strong business and commercial awareness
7. Good distributor management skills
BP石油(上海)貿(mào)易有限公司人力資源部 郵編:200040(請在信封上注明應(yīng)聘職位)
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