Jiangsu International Industry Fair 2008 - Special Subject Exhibition
The 5th Jiangsu International Machine Tool & Mold Exhibition
時間:2008年9月10日-12日 地點:南京國際博覽中心(河西新館)
Date: September 10th-12th, 2008 Venue: Nanjing International Expo Centre
中國工業(yè)經(jīng)濟聯(lián)合會China Federation of Industrial Economies
江蘇省經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易委員會Jiangsu Economic and Trade Commission
南京市會展業(yè)辦公室Nanjing Conference & Exhibition Industry Office
江蘇省機械工業(yè)協(xié)會Jiangsu Machinery Industry Assodation
江蘇省機床總公司Jiangsu Machine Tool Parent Company
中國國際貿(mào)促會南京分會China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Nanjing Branch
中國國際商會南京商會China Chamber of International Commerce Nanjing Chamber of Commerce
南京鳳凰展覽有限公司Nanjing Phoenix Exhibition Co., Ltd.
協(xié)辦單位 Co-organizers
南京數(shù)控機床有限公司Nanjing CNC Machine Tool Co., Ltd.
南京第二機床廠有限公司Nanjing No.2 Machine Tool Works
南京市模具工業(yè)協(xié)會Nanjing Mold and Die Industry Association
江蘇省輕工協(xié)會Jiangsu Provincial Light Industry Association
南京國際博覽中心Nanjing International Expo Center
南京鳳凰展覽有限公司Nanjing Phoenix Exhibition Co., Ltd.
海外招展Overseas co-organizer
香港高威展覽有限公司Hongkong Goodwill Exhibition & Promotion Ltd.
上屆回顧 南京鳳凰展覽有限公司2008年3月舉辦的“第四屆江蘇國際機床及工模具展覽會”有來自美國土居、法國、德國瘟百、瑞士磺伍、瑞典疯食、日本、韓國及中國臺灣或缘、內(nèi)地近300家參展商梅明,展出了近千臺設備,到會專業(yè)買家和觀眾28000多人次肠祭,展會成交近億元常废,展會得到了200多家專業(yè)雜志和網(wǎng)站的大力支持與宣傳推廣,參展商對這次展會的滿意度達到95%以上螺啤,是南京近年來規(guī)模最大蝇蝶、檔次最高、專業(yè)買家組織最好的機床工模具展淌踢。這是“鳳凰人”憑著執(zhí)著的專業(yè)精神打造的又一品牌——“鳳凰機床工模具展”危号。
It is last to look back Nanjing phoenix exhibition Co.,Ltd. “The 4th Jiangsu International Machine Tool and Mold Exhibition” held in March, 2008 was attended by nearly 300 participants from U.S.A., France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan, South Korea, China Taiwan and mainland. There are nearly 1000 equipments being present at the exhibition, which attract over 28000 buyers and visitors and enter into the deal of nearly 100million yuan. Exhibition is the extensive support from over 200 magazines and websites, The ginseng satisfactory degree of show business for this exhibition reaches 95% more, The machine Tool and Die&Mould exhibition is the largest exhibition of the kind being held over recent years in Nanjing, characterized by the highest grade and the best arrangement for buyers. we with reliance on the persistent and professional spirits available with “Phoenix Man”, build another brand – “Phoenix Machine Tool and Mold Exhibition”.
市場前景 隨著經(jīng)濟又好又快發(fā)展,我國的制造業(yè)發(fā)展迅速素邪,江蘇省被譽為“世界制造業(yè)加工基地”外莲,周邊的合肥、蕪湖兔朦、馬鞍山偷线、滁州沽甥、蚌埠等地的機械制造業(yè)較為發(fā)達声邦;汽車及零部件、電子及儀器儀表摆舟、機械加工亥曹、機械制造、模具制造恨诱、船舶媳瞪、軍工、航天、冶金等行業(yè)及眾多的新建擴建技改項目對機床榛覆、工模具及相關(guān)配套設備需求強勁,有著廣闊的市場前景鸥萌;發(fā)展迅猛的南京市場技蝌、發(fā)展較成熟的蘇南市場、新興發(fā)展的蘇北市場及南京所輻射的安徽市場已成為機床工模具廠商最為看重的銷售市場占拍∪ǘ海“第五屆機床工模具展”在南京舉辦必將給參展商帶來豐厚的回報执虹!
Market prospect With the good and rapid development of economy, China’s manufacturing industry is experiencing rapid growth. Known as “the Processing Base of Global Manufacturing”, Jiangsu Province boasts the well-developed machinery manufacturing in his areas, such as Hefei, Wuhu, Maanshan, Chuzhou, Bengbu, etc. Automobile and component, electronic and instrument appearance, machining, mechanical production and mould are made , boat, war industry, spaceflight and the professions such as metallurgy and numerous build extension recently skill alter project for machine tool, work mould and related supplemental equipment demand strong. There are broad prospects in the market. Meanwhile. Developing swift Nanjing market、 development than maturation Su south market、burgeoning development Su the Anhui market that north market and Nanjing radiate have become the sales that the work mould manufacturer of machine tool most values market.“The 5th Jiangsu International Machine Tool and Mold Exhibition” in Nanjing conduct must bring rich repayment to ginseng show business!
移師新館 投資30億元新建的南京國際博覽中心位于河西新城區(qū)蓄揭,處于地鐵1、2號線交匯處分搞,經(jīng)繞城公路與長江大橋儿捧、長江二橋、長江三橋挑宠、過江隧道菲盾、火車站、機場相連接各淀;國際博覽中心展館面積16萬m2懒鉴,可置標準展位6000個,展館為單層無柱大跨度凈高14—22米碎浇,車輛和設備可直接進出展館临谱;國際博覽中心融匯了最新的設計理念,突出了 “虎踞龍盤”的獨特風格奴璃,外觀新穎悉默、設施先進,是華東地區(qū)繼上海新國際博覽中心后第二個現(xiàn)代化的大型展館溺健÷笪“第五屆機床工模具展”移師新館,為參展商和專業(yè)觀眾提供了更便捷鞭缭、更寬敞剖膳、更舒適的參展環(huán)境。
Relocate to new exhibition Located at the junction of subway line #1 and #2 in Hexi New Downtown, The Nanjing international exposition center that investment three billions Yuan builds recently locates in river west new the city proper to Yangtze River Bridge, the 2nd Yangtze River Bridge, the 3rd Yangtze River Bridge, the tunnel across the river, railway station, airport. The Center has the exhibition hall of 160,000m2, able to accommodate 6000 standard exhibition booths. The exhibition hall is built in single-floor pillar-free structure with big span of 14-22m in net height so that the vehicles and equipments can be delivered to the hall without any difficulty. The international exhibition center is designed to adopt the up-to-date concept, highlighting the extraordinary style of “Tigers crouching and dragons curling” and new outlook and advanced devices in place as well. It is the 2nd modernized large exhibition hall in the eastern region, following Shanghai New International Exhibition Center. The relocation of The 5th Jiangsu International Machine Tool and Mold Exhibition” to the new exhibition hall is aimed to provide a more accessible, broader and comfortable environment for participants and visitors.
再創(chuàng)輝煌 “第四屆機床工模具展”的成功舉辦,得到了主管部門策睛、相關(guān)企業(yè)和媒體的公認应胎。“第五屆機床工模具展”將繼續(xù)由江蘇省機械工業(yè)協(xié)會闪割、江蘇省機床總公司而逞、中國國際貿(mào)促會南京分會、中國國際商會南京商會主辦粪业,我們“鳳凰人”憑借先進的展覽理念黄骇、豐富的辦展經(jīng)驗、廣泛的參展資源牵巾、專業(yè)的買家信息倒奋、客戶至上的服務意識,在您的鼎力支持下赂牍,“第五屆江蘇國際機床工模具展”將再創(chuàng)輝煌翰鲸!
rebuild the brilliance “The success of the 4th Machine Tool and Die&Mould Exhibition” has been well recognized by the department in charge, related enterprises and media. The 5th Machine Tool and Die&Mould Exhibition will still be held by Jiangsu Machinery Industrial Association, Jiangsu Machine Corporation, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Nanjing office, China Chamber of International Commerce Nanjing office, We will “Phoenix Man”, based on the adoption of advanced exhibition concept, Is rich to do show experience and extensive ginseng show resource , is professional to buy domestic information and customer supreme service consciousness,With your ultimate assistance, “the 5th JiangSu International Machine Tool and Die&Mould Exhibition” will create the new brilliance!
The participation in the exhibition by enterprises from home and abroad will be greatly appreciated, Open up market!
■展會時間Exhibition time
布置展位時間:2008年9月8日-9日 8:30-17:30
Time for booth setup: September 8th - 9th, 2008 at 8:30 - 17:30
展會展出時間:2008年9月10日-12日 9:00-16:30
Exhibition time: September 10th - 12th, 2008 at 9:00 - 16:30
Withdrawal time: September 12th, 2008 after 16:00
Machine tools and tools:Metal-cutting machine tools, CNC machining centers, turning machines, grinding machines, milling machines, nibbling machines and automation periphery equipment, metal-forming machines, boring machines, drilling machines, sawing machines, broaching machines, planing machines, engraving machines, engraving & milling machines, tapping machines, modular machine tools, machine tool electric apparatus and fittings, metalworking fluids, accessories, etc.; plate shears, bending machines, extension machines, cutting machines, pipe benders, pipe cutters, chamfering machines, band saw machines, round saw machines, welding machines, oil pressure machines, die-casting machines, lapping machines and shot blasting machines, etc.
Numerical control systems and flexible manufacturing systems, servo drives and programmable logical controllers, computer application software and hardware like CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM and so on, automation technology and complete set equipment, mechanic drives and pneumatic hydraulic components庐穴;
Cutting measuring and clamping tools: various turning, milling and boring cutters, boring heads, drilling bits, grinding wheels, saw blades, threaded cutters, movable blades, abrasive pastes, etc.; various measuring instruments, tools and 3-dimensional measuring machines, etc.; various clamping devices and series of tool cabinets, tool carts/racks, work benches and other supporting products.
Dies, molds and mold making technologies and equipment:
Die and mold equipment including electric spark machines, low-speed WEDM machines, wire cutters, labeling machines, ultra-sonic cleaning machines, die spotting machines, laser equipment and rapid tooling equipment, etc.
Various molds and dies: punching dies, plastic dies, die casting dies, forging dies, ceramic dies, wire drawing dies, carbide dies and rubber dies, etc.; die and mold materials: die steel, metal sheets (line materials), aluminum alloy materials, carbon electrode materials and copper electrode materials, etc.; standard die and mold parts: die carriers, guide posts, guide sleeves, punches, fasteners, springs, pouring bushes and hot runner components, etc. Abrasives and grinding tools, CAD system for dies and molds, machining of various shaped dies and molds, standard die and mold parts and structural members, etc. fast product development systems and services.
■收費標準Criteria for the charges
▲ 標準展位配置:三面2.5m圍板杠滓、一條楣板文字、一桌兩椅冒萄、日光燈兩盞臊岸、5A插座一個;免費為參展企業(yè)刊登300字企業(yè)文字簡介尊流。
▲ 展會期間將承辦企業(yè)相關(guān)產(chǎn)品推薦會和技術(shù)研討會帅戒,具體服務要求及相關(guān)費用請與組委會聯(lián)系。
1. Special exhibition area:
standard booth 9m2(3m×3m), RMB5,500/exhibition period; net space (starting from 36m2), RMB550/m2.exhibition period.
2. Standard exhibition area:
standard booth 9m2(3m×3m), RMB5,000/exhibition period; net space (starting from 36m2), RMB500/m2.exhibition period.
3. Booth for overseas enterprise:
standard booth 9m2 (3m×3m), USD1,200/exhibition period; net space (starting from 36m2), USD120/m2.exhibition period.
▲ Standard booth includes: exhibition boards for three sections (2.5m high), one banner with texts on, one table plus two chairs, two fluorescent lights and one 5A electrical outlet; Carry a 300-word company profile free of charges for exhibitors.
▲ We'll undertake the product promotion conferences and technical seminars for enterprises during the exhibition. For detailed services and charges, please contact the organizing committee.
An extensive publicity will be made via over 200 trade publications and websites including m.atkqc.com,(暫不可見), (暫不可見), (暫不可見), (暫不可見), (暫不可見), (暫不可見),(暫不可見), (暫不可見),(暫不可見),(暫不可見),(暫不可見), publications Machinist, Modern Mold & Die, Electro-machinery in 21st Century, Modern Machine Tools, Machine Tool News, Machinery and Molds, Modular Machine Tools and Automation Technology, Machine Tool and Hydraulics, Die & Mold News, Die & Mold Making, Machinery, Machine Tool and Tools Industry, Informatization of China's Manufacturing Industry,Machine Tool Building Industry, Tool Net, CNC Machine Market, Die & Mold Industry, ElectromaMold & Die Project, International Die & Mold Industry and Metalworking World, etc. Besides,report and publicity will also be made on the mass media such as Yangtze Evening Post, Modern Express, Jinling Evening Post, broadcasting stations and television stations, etc.
■邀請買家Desired buyers
1. Invitation to various buyers: The organizing committee will print 300,000 visiting tickets, make publicity and advertisements via sponsors, co-organizers, supporters, industrial associations, societies, chambers of commerce, trade media and websites and the mass media, and send the tickets by telephone, fax, short message, e-mail, post, etc. to general managers, technical personnel buyers of manufacturing enterprises and dealers in lines of mechanic processing, machinery manufacturing, die and mold making, motors and fittings, ship, bicycle, military, electronics, instruments and apparatus, communication, aerospace, metallurgy, hard metal, warehousing, etc.
2. Special invitation: We'll make co-operations with industrial park zones and economy development zones at individual area of the county for organizing enterprise visiting groups to visit, negotiate and make transactions at the exhibition.
3. Circuiting publicity: Professional exhibitions large in scale and influential nationwide will be selected to make direct publicity to professional customers in order to attract more professional visitors.
4. Discussion and exchange: The organizing committee will organize professional discussion and technical exchange conference of a high level and invite related persons-in-charge to attend the conferences and visit the conference.
■參展手續(xù)Exhibition formalities
1. Exhibitors are requested to fill in the application form for exhibition in details, then attach your name and company stamp to the form and send back to the organizing committee by fax or post. Registration cut-off date is August 20, 2008.
2. From the date of registration, the exhibitor shall remit required expenses to the account specified by the organizing committee within five days and fax the remittance slip to the organizing committee for check.
3. The organizing committee will arrange the booth for individual exhibitors according to the time the remittance is received. After receipt of the relevant remittance for the exhibition, a receipt will be issued and the exhibitor may require the invoice against this receipt during the exhibition.
地 址:南京市新街口豐富路163號民族大廈1608室
電 話:025-84708202 84708232
傳 真:025-84509150 84517548
聯(lián) 系 人:焦 恒 中 13851772621
郵 箱:51772621@(暫不可見)
Contact us: Nanjing Phoenix Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Address: Room 1608, Mingzhu Mansion, No. 163,
Fengfu Road, Xinjiekou, Nanjing
Telephone: 025-84708202 84708232
Fax: 025-84509150 84517548
Contact: Mr.Jiao hengzhong 13851772621
E-mail: 51772621@(暫不可見)
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