GF阿奇夏米爾亞洲區(qū)總裁白衛(wèi)華先生(Mr. Armando Pereira)在開幕典禮上的講話
Good morning, ladies, gentlemen, Your honored guests and colleagues. It’s my turn to express my honor to be here with you for the official opening of our two new GF AgieCharmilles’ Center of Competence.
It may not surprise you to hear us express our interest for China as the most promising market and our intension to play an important role in this country. Most companies will say and try to do the same.
GF AgieCharmilles has defined its strategy for the Chinese market with business goal obviously but also with a long-term vision to contribute positively in one of the central government’s global directives: Education
GF阿奇夏米爾集團不僅在中國市場有明確的商業(yè)戰(zhàn)略目標村秒,更重要的是,我們在中國市場的長期愿景—為中國政府最關心的幾個領域之一:教育行業(yè) 做出積極的貢獻统台。
In this regard, GF AgieCharmilles wants to share our more than 50 years know-how and worldwide experience with new Chinese generations that will contribute the progress of China.
As the world has become global and all economies are interdependent, and as nothing happens in one region of the world without having a consequence in the others, the more we contribute to the education of new generations the better the world will become.
In this sense GF AgieCharmilles has also define a social contribution and will play a role in China in a different way.
Now with the Centers of Competence, GF AgieCharmilles will bring the highest level of expertise to the main segments of industry for China like ICT, Electronics, Automotive and, here in Beijing, in these Centers of Competence, for Home Appliances and Aerospace/Aeronautics.
The two CoCs that we have the great pleasure to inaugurate in your presence today, are the place where any customer in China will benefit from our experience in manufacturing more and more complex components, and where we will demonstrate the different economical alternatives to produce sustainable quality with efficiency.
As pursuit of quality and performance is a never-ending process, the very important role for these CoCs is to continuously develop and bring new alternatives to the Aerospace and Home Appliance industries as well as train end users and education institutions on those new techniques.
With an equal worldwide presence in the US, Europe and Asia, GF AgieCharmilles is exposed continuously to the different industries’ requirements, the different segments’ trends, to the specificities of those main regions of the world.
That’s also what puts GF AgieCharmilles is the best position to share experiences, best practices in terms of manufacturing concepts, and to educate using international standards and references.
Thank you.
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