集和誠嵌入式公司于5月新推出一款無風扇嵌入式箱體電腦(FEBC-3530),此款電腦支持四個千兆網口、MXM Support 、Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 2.2GHz Processor絮记。即使復雜的環(huán)境,同樣擁有閃電的的速度虐先。 詳細資料如下:
●COM Express CPU模塊采用 Intel 965GME 芯片組,支持Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 2.2GHz處理器
●兩個DDRII SODIMM 插槽, 最大支持4GB內存
●COM x 4, USB 2.0 x 4
●DVI-I x 1(VGA By Y Cable)
●MXM Support-PCI-Express界面的圖形處理器接口
●ATX Power Function-ATX方式供電
Processor-Intel T7500 2.2GHz processor
System Memory-DDRII SDRAM SODIMM x 2, Max. 4GB.
Expansion-PCI x 2
VGA/ Keyboard/ Mouse -DVI-I x 1 (DB-15 VGA Connector by VGA adapter), PS/2 Keyboard & Mouse x 1
Ethernet-Gigabit Ethernet, RJ-45 x 4
SSD-CompactFlash Socket x 1
Hard Disk Storage-SATA/IDE Hard Disk Drive bracket x 2(SATA II Port x2 Support Raid 0/Raid 1)
Serial Port-COM x 4(RS232/422/485x2, RS232x2)
Audio-Line-in x 1, Line-out x 1, Mic-in x 1 by extend cable
USB-USB2.0 x 4
System Control-Power switch x 1徘涤,Reset switch x 1
LED Indicator-Power LED x 1, Hard Disk Drive LED x 1
Watchdog Timer-Generates a Time-out System Reset, setting via Software
Power Supply-1. ATX Power function
2. DC Input 9-30 (Phoenix connector 3 pin)
3. Power Board Support (80W)operation output
4. Optional AC power adapter , input voltage range 100~240 V
Power Consumption-Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz (T7500), 1.97A @ DC19V+17W=53.43W
MTBF (Hours)-32,000
OS Support-Windows CE 6.0, Windows XP Pro, Windows XP Embedded,
Linux Red Hat, Windows Vista
Construction-Rugged Aluminum Alloy Chassis
Color-White & Black
Mounting-Wall mount/Desk top
Dimension-214mm x 99.2mmx 237.5mm
Net Weight-5.63Kg
Operating Temperature--15℃ ~ 60℃ (CFD with a RAM Module)
-10℃ ~ 55℃( Hard Disk Drive with a RAM Module)
Storage Temperature--20℃ ~ 70℃
Storage Humidity-5 ~ 95% @ 40℃, non-condensing
Vibration-5g rms / 5 ~ 500Hz / operation CFD
1g rms / 5 ~ 500Hz / operation HDD
Shock-50g peak acceleration (11 msec. duration) CFD
●COM Express CPU模塊采用 Intel 965GME 芯片組,支持Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 2.2GHz處理器
●兩個DDRII SODIMM 插槽, 最大支持4GB內存
●COM x 4, USB 2.0 x 4
●DVI-I x 1(VGA By Y Cable)
●MXM Support-PCI-Express界面的圖形處理器接口
●ATX Power Function-ATX方式供電
Processor-Intel T7500 2.2GHz processor
System Memory-DDRII SDRAM SODIMM x 2, Max. 4GB.
Expansion-PCI x 2
VGA/ Keyboard/ Mouse -DVI-I x 1 (DB-15 VGA Connector by VGA adapter), PS/2 Keyboard & Mouse x 1
Ethernet-Gigabit Ethernet, RJ-45 x 4
SSD-CompactFlash Socket x 1
Hard Disk Storage-SATA/IDE Hard Disk Drive bracket x 2(SATA II Port x2 Support Raid 0/Raid 1)
Serial Port-COM x 4(RS232/422/485x2, RS232x2)
Audio-Line-in x 1, Line-out x 1, Mic-in x 1 by extend cable
USB-USB2.0 x 4
System Control-Power switch x 1徘涤,Reset switch x 1
LED Indicator-Power LED x 1, Hard Disk Drive LED x 1
Watchdog Timer-Generates a Time-out System Reset, setting via Software
Power Supply-1. ATX Power function
2. DC Input 9-30 (Phoenix connector 3 pin)
3. Power Board Support (80W)operation output
4. Optional AC power adapter , input voltage range 100~240 V
Power Consumption-Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz (T7500), 1.97A @ DC19V+17W=53.43W
MTBF (Hours)-32,000
OS Support-Windows CE 6.0, Windows XP Pro, Windows XP Embedded,
Linux Red Hat, Windows Vista
Construction-Rugged Aluminum Alloy Chassis
Color-White & Black
Mounting-Wall mount/Desk top
Dimension-214mm x 99.2mmx 237.5mm
Net Weight-5.63Kg
Operating Temperature--15℃ ~ 60℃ (CFD with a RAM Module)
-10℃ ~ 55℃( Hard Disk Drive with a RAM Module)
Storage Temperature--20℃ ~ 70℃
Storage Humidity-5 ~ 95% @ 40℃, non-condensing
Vibration-5g rms / 5 ~ 500Hz / operation CFD
1g rms / 5 ~ 500Hz / operation HDD
Shock-50g peak acceleration (11 msec. duration) CFD
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